We would love to hear from you!
We are available by email from Monday to Thursday 1Oam to 4.30pm CST and Friday 10am - 4pm CST. We will return all messages from Saturday and Sunday on Monday, as we are closed on weekends.
La Kaiser is a primarily e-commerce business, so you can shop in your pajamas at 2am or on your lunch break at work! Please note that we are closed on all major U.S. federal holidays and we will respond to your inquiry on the following business day.
Please contact us at info@lakaiser.com for product or order inquiries.
Contact Information
For online & customer service related questions, please email: info@lakaiser.com
For wholesale related questions, please email: wholesale@lakaiser.com
For influencer marketing and collaborations, please email: cindy@lakaiser.com
Phone (La Kaiser Office): (856) 263-3653
Our Location / Mailing Address
The Jewelers Mall
5 South Wabash Ave, Suite 300
Chicago, IL 60603